Bot per il trading automatico, trasforma i messaggi di Telegram in operazioni per essere elaborate da Metatrader 4 e 5
Works with MetaTrader 4 and 5
Receives Telegram notifications and turns them into trades
Complete money management for USD-EUR-CAD-GBP-AUD accounts
Choice of risk in %, in fixed lot per Telegram channel or globally
Automatic break even, when you receive a break even message
Closing the automatic trade when you receive a message to close
Automatic change of the SL of the trade when you receive a message to change it
Support for TP1, TP2 and TP3, or always take the last TP
Enabling / Disabling pairs (Example: EUR / USD can be disabled)
Multiple Metatrader accounts, some conditions apply
Smart Botty
Smart Pips: automatic break even after a set number of pips
Smart TP: When a TP1 is won and a TP2 is running, it is break even
Smart Partial Closing: performs a partial closing of the trade
Control system for remote management
Trades history
Update Notification System
Large number of supported pairs and indices
Maximum trades counter
Languages: French and English
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